I learned last night that a friend died suddenly and unexpectedly this week. Mike Wolf was a huge fan of music and film, and his blog,
Randomness Personified, was a constant source of entertainment, news and diversion. I told him when I launched this site that I was going to have to try hard NOT to rip him off. I did steal his html code on occasion, though.
Indy said last week she couldn't wait to play a gig that Mike could attend, because he's such a great fan and totally gets it. We had plans to hook up with him in New York later this year.
Earlier this week he promised to buy the first copy of the new boondogs record we're about to record. I promised to send him an advance copy, and he promised to send me that new Fiona Apple record.
I never met Mike. Our relationship began when he bought our record, continued through Randomness Personified, and grew through email exchanges over the past few years. I don't even know what his voice sounded like, but I miss him already.
Goodbye, Mike. I wish we could talk about how disgusting tonight's Grammy Awards were. Terrible even by Grammy standards. Even U2 was bad.