Sellout's Steal of the Week: September 67

For about a month in 1997 I worked in the music section of a Borders Books and Music. One of my jobs was to pull all the returns that the store was giving up on and sending back to the distributor for credit. I was aware of Shannon Worrell, but hadn't heard the September 67 record yet. When I got the orders to send it back to the label, I bought it and took it home instead.
It turned out to be a touchstone record for us. Semi-acoustic arrangements, great understated drumming, lyrical nods to Flannery O'Connor.
Shannon has since retired from music, which is a drag for us, but good for her, I'm sure. I still find the record in cut-out bins. FYI, David Lowery made this record with a bunch of folks who worked on the first Sparklehorse record.
September 67: "Busy Building":
(right-click, save target as)
A good man is hard to find now a days, I guess a good woman is as well. I'm still sore over that drug comment your dear wife made in class eight years ago. That to will pass I guess. How is your child? Mine keeps telling me that he wants to be an artist. I hope that means he wants to be a knuckleballer for the Cubs or Red Sox, but I'm scared it might have more dastardly intentions. I guess I didn't help naming him after a beatnik. It's raining and cold here in Rockford... But just like Jack I can't change anything, nor would I want to.
1:08 AM
You know Jerry, I'm a much happier person now that I've learned to disregard approximately half of what she says. . . Julian is doing great. Indy's terrified he's going to turn out to be a jock. But jocks get better scholarships than artists, don't they?
We'll have to get the boys together sometime, no? I could see us getting to Chicago when the weather's nice.
9:39 PM
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