Sellout's Steal of the Week: Fiona Apple
Or, Yet Another Reason to Hate the Record Industry

As a forward to this post, I have to establish that I do not own any Fiona Apple records. Something about that video in the underwear and all that flat singing turned me off for a long time. But I do think both of her albums are great examples of Jon Brion's genius.
I was just made aware of, a page dedicated to convincing Sony/Epic to release her third album, which has been complete for 18 months now. I once sat by while a "label" (notice the quotation marks) refused to release an album that had been done for at least that long. Of course, we didn't have two plantinum albums in our back catalog!
The story goes that Jon Brion convinced Ms. Apple to come out of retirement to make this album for his sake, so I'm interested to hear it for his contributions alone. In any case, the brilliant minds that spent 6 figures making this album don't think it's worth releasing to the public. Here are a couple of tracks. You be the judge:
Extraordinary Machine: (right-click, save target as)
Better Version of Me: (right-click, save target as)
Yes.. I think it's about time I get over my initial snobishness and get those two records. I have the hits in the ipod and love them.
And Dylan, you're right of course about Matt C.'s contributions, but I'd say that's Jon Brion on drums on "Better Version of Me." He's the real deal no doubt. Mike, I assume you've got his solo record?
While we're on the subject, Indy (who is far to cool to make an appearance here) has been wearing out these two new songs. Trying to get my hands on the rest of the album now. . .
8:51 PM
Finally got the I Heart Huckabees soundtrack. Great stuff. Meaningless pt. 2.
Great production references for the new Easys record, too-- which, btw has real drums on it now. you can rest easy. the electric drums stuck for one song, though. Perhaps I'll have a rough mix to post here in a week or so.
4:00 PM
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